Lasting Impact
Photos by Jamie Plain
Fresh Start for Women is a transitional housing community that helps women reach for a “new normal.” Since opening its doors in Owensboro in 2016, Fresh Start has served at least 200 women, providing them with a safe, encouraging atmosphere, and enabling them to build a better future for themselves and their families.
Cindy Jean, co-founder and Executive Director of Fresh Start for Women, credited community support with much of the organization’s success.
“Our community has been so supportive,” Jean noted. “The impact made on the lives of these women and their families is lasting. Within two or three years of being with us, most of them go on to further their education, purchase their own homes, find new careers, and reunite with their families. The transformation is amazing.”
Fresh Start offers addiction recovery services; classes in budgeting, cooking, parenting and other life skills; counseling; Bible studies; and educational and career advancement opportunities. The organization’s low-cost apartment complex is located in downtown Owensboro.
“Our clients are very self-motivated,” said Jean. “This isn’t a handout. Our women have jobs and pay rent; many of them qualify for government housing but they choose to come here because of the high level of accountability.”
Within just a few years of living at Fresh Start, many clients are able to purchase their own homes.

“These women return to the community with a renewed sense of purpose, and then begin to help others,” Jean continued. “Eight of them have gone on to work at treatment centers for addiction, and some work with children at River Valley Behavioral Health.”
For many, Fresh Start is a place of healing, a vital step in breaking dangerous addiction cycles and life habits, and a means of finding hope. Cindy Jean recalled one client in particular who has been a model of inspiration.
“She came to us from the Pitino Shelter and lived at Fresh Start for around two years,” said Jean. “She was able to regain custody of her son, received a Habitat house, and now works at the Pitino Shelter with the AmeriCorps program.”
Looking to the future, Fresh Start hopes to continue its growth and outreach.
“We have a large portion of property that we own behind the apartment complex and are interested in building there,” said Jean. “Currently, we own three homes debt-free. We would like to become a self-supporting organization, so we don’t have to rely on fundraising efforts.”
Fresh Start does not apply for state and federal money; its success has been made possible largely due to support from area businesses, churches, and individuals, as well as grants.
“We are thankful for the Marilyn and William Young Foundation, Impact 100, the Kentucky Colonels, and many others for their support,” Jean said. “The Keller family and Fr. Ray Clark have gifted us with homes, and RNA Rental helped to revamp one of them. So many people in the community are invested in our mission. Fr. Clark even sang and played the guitar at our Chamber ribbon-cutting!”
Fresh Start for Women is poised to impact the lives of many generations for years to come and offer a safe place to land for those in need.
For more information about the organization, visit
The post Fresh Start appeared first on Owensboro Living.